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Measured Examinator News



- Support exams with Long Menu questions.
- Remove "local submissions": an exam is submitted if the submission can be transmitted to the server - if that fails, the exam remains unsubmitted.
- Enforce time window for submissions: the time window in which a submission is accepted is identical to the time window in which the candidate can load the exam.
- Fix image sizing issue in full-screen view: the image could be cut off vertically under some circumstances.
- Deprecate /login, /url-login, /login/url, /exam-list routes: the root route / is sufficient for both regular and self-assessment deployments, and /url?u=... can be used to pass a Candidate URL - but all old routes still work.
- Display sync status indicator (top right) during exam.
- Always show question labels (Fixnummer, like: 003-01-K) in review mode (Einsichtnahme).
- Fix minor bugs and improve performance.

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