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Measured Monitor News

Monitor v2.11.0


- Improve candidate grid (and candidate details) in various ways:
-- Separate data that reflects the progress, sync state and battery level at the time of the last received status update from Examinator (Latest Status) and other data (Candidate) into two column groups
-- Dim the latest status of candidates that have submitted the exam, but keep showing everything (battery level was previously removed)
-- Replace green/red "dot" for sync state with a textual label
-- Right-align progress and battery level (because of their numerical value)
-- Use horizontal battery icon instead of vertical
-- Hide battery and progress icons if the value is unknown
- Rename Progress state to In Progress and Submit to Submitted
- Use "natural" order for the state overview at the top: Ready before In Progress
- Avoid repeatedly animating the appearance of the same warning notification in case of a temporary error when getting updates from the server
- Fix invisible X in QR scanner's close button

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