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Measured Examinator News

Examinator v4.28.1


- Support exams with videos.
- Allow exam screen layout customizations: move navigation to the right edge, move submit button to the left edge.
- Preload only one image or video at the same time and show progress.
- Send status update on submitting the exam - fixes progress potentially being slightly off for submitted exams in Monitor.
- Show a warning (and prevent further use) if the most important capabilities are not provided by the browser: IndexedDB for exams, IndexedDB and LocalStorage for self-assessments.
- Fix rendering of question labels (Fixnummer, currently unused) in question sequences.
- Fix rendering of question sequences in review mode (Einsichtnahme).
- Make sure (visually) changing anything is not possible even with keyboard navigation in review mode (Einsichtnahme).
- Improve layout of exam sections slightly.
- Improve login error presentation: big error code, small error hint (instead of the other way around).

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