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Measured Examinator News

Examinator v4.32.0


- Immediately load the exam when using a Candidate Link to directly access an exam.
- Add button to cancel the exam loading process (if it is stuck, for example) and try again.
- Increase the timeout for video and image preloading from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.
- Turn the button to start another exam (after successfully submitting) into a less prominent text link, because this is an infrequent use case.
- Delete last entered digit of unlock PIN when pressing Backspace key.
- Show a special notice for demo exams before unlock PIN entry (used on Examinator Demo instance).
- Fix inline video size always using the full width: don't enlarge beyond intrisic size.
- Correctly wrap long exam section (i.e. blueprint) names rather than cutting them off.
- Fix minor visual misalignment in Long Menu questions on Safari.
- Improve text contrast on disabled text inputs (e.g. Freetext and Long Menu questions, comments).
- Slightly improve some error messages and their translations.
- Better align bold text redering on Firefox with other browsers.
- Fix minor visual issue in review mode (Prüfungseinsicht) on Safari.

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